A soothing, super-strength probiotic, to aid digestive health and re-balance gut flora.
This super-strength formulation offers exceptional restoration with beneficial colonisation; ideal for those prone to digestive disorders or tummy problems. A unique blend of Human Probiotic Isolates effectively re-balance/restore without disturbing the tummy's natural bacterial balance.
1 Sachet dispersed in 8oz (200ml) glass of water or freshly pressed juice per day. Mix well. Use entire contents of Sachet immediately after opening. Store at room temperature. Alternatively, make 1 Litre of probiotic yogurt, using the Progurt Incubator. Free from all additives and brimming with live beneficial probiotic bacteria. Consume 200ml or more of Progurt per day.
1 trillion beneficial bacteria capability per Sachet. Human Probiotic Isolates (HPI) of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and Bifidobacteria (including Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Bifidus and Streptococcus Thermophilus), Inactivated Yeast Extract, Cellulose.
Nutritional Information
Servings per Pack: 5 Servings per Sachet: 1
Energy Protein Fat, total -Saturated Fat Carbohydrate -sugars Dietary Fibre Sodium Lactose
Beneficios Fortalece el intestino, Mejora la digestión
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
8 minutes ago
Muy bien producto, ligero y fácil de tomar, excelente resultados. Quiero seguir tomando.
Juan Carlos Dueñas V.
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
Edad 55 - 64
Género Masculino
Condición de Salud Saludable
Beneficios Mejora la digestión, Mejora la calidad del sueño, Mejora la salud digestiva, Fortalece el intestino
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
3 weeks ago
Uso de progurt probioticos primera vez
Uso de este producto con el fin de mejorar la flora intestinal, después de usar antibióticos y de sufrir una gastroenteritis viral, también para mejorar la calidad del sueño.
Bibiana C.
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
Edad 55 - 64
Condición de Salud Indigestión
Beneficios Fortalece el intestino
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
1 month ago
Los mejores probioticos
Jan S.
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
Age 55 - 64
Gender Female
Health Condition Eczema, Candida, Food Intolerance, Bloating, Gluten Sensitivity
Benefits Overall Improved Health
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
1 month ago
Probiotic sachets
I love this product. I really feel that my body goes into balance and starts to work as it should again. Bloating reduced.
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
Edad 35 - 44
Género Masculino
Condición de Salud Saludable
Beneficios Mejora la salud digestiva, Poco o ningúna hinchazón, Poco o ningún cólico, Mejora la digestión